Technical and professional events are an effective tool to take the pulse of the market and see what is the demand of customers and the sectors to which they belong. They also serve as knowledge exchange.
Concentrol tries to be close to where things happen, for this reason two area managers attended the UTECH Middle East Foam & Polyurethane Expo that was held on June 7 and 9 at the Dubai World Trade Center in the capital of the Emirate of Dubai.
The area managers Ricardo Afonso and Toni Coll attended the event, taking part in the debates with international experts, focused on the foam and polyurethane industry. They were able to share information and knowledge about the current market scenario, emerging trends, solutions, technologies and challenges, as well as future opportunities.
Gradually, the Middle East Foam is consolidating itself as a Polyurethane fair of reference in the Middle East.
The chemical company participates and attends wherever there is the possibility of explaining the company’s technical capabilities, advances, and know-how.