Concentrol is one of the companies identified as “hidden champions”, promoted by the agency for the competitiveness of the company of the Department of Business and Labor (ACCIÓ) within the framework of the European project DRIVE INML, and which aims to find companies which design support tools specific to their needs.
The entity has detected 2,000 corporations that meet these characteristics: leading companies in highly specialized market niches, with an international scope, with a clear business-to-business (B2B) and global market orientation. Although these types of companies have a special strength in their sector, they are also vulnerable to sudden changes in the economy.
This category demonstrates the leading role that Concentrol plays in the chemical sector, that extends its operations internationally. Once these companies have been identified, the administration will analyze their profile to carry out joint strategies.
Televisió de Girona has echoed this news by interviewing the CEO of Concentrol, Jaume Guardia, who has explained the history of the chemical company which has led it to be identified as a “hidden champion”. The informative piece can be consulted at the following link.