Concentrol has always worked to guarantee stable jobs and offer equal access to job opportunities to promote the well-being of its workers. To advance in this line, the company has just released its own “Plan for equal opportunities between men and women 2021-2023”.
The company has declared its commitment to establish and develop policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without direct or indirect discrimination based on sex. Concentrol is also committed to promoting and fostering measures to achieve real equality within the organization, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of the Corporate and Human Resources Policy.
From now on, the principle of equal opportunities between men and women will be applied in each and every one of the business spheres, from selection to promotion, passing through salary policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, sexual or gender-based harassment, organization of working time and conciliation.
The principles announced in the Equality Plan will be put into practice through the promotion of various measures that will be subject to monitoring systems. The final objective is to implement improvements with respect to the current situation and, ultimately, to advance in achieving real equality between men and women in the company and in society.
The company has set itself an initial two-year period to work on the actions established in the plan and monitor it with the equality commission, which is expected to meet three times a year. In addition, during this period, a series of external dissemination and awareness actions will be carried out to bring everyone closer to the objectives of this equality plan.
A project gestated in 2021
This plan was developed throughout 2021 thanks to the work of the Concentrol Equality Commission, made up of members of the works council and also by various representatives of the company, the HR departments and management. During the past year, the minutes of its negotiation and development were published on the corresponding bulletin boards to make public the advances on this matter.
Finally, the document has been published in the REGCON, the register and deposit of collective agreements, collective labor agreements and equality plans of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Sexual harassment protocol
Along these same lines, it should be remembered that in 2021 Concentrol already disseminated the document entitled “Protocol for sexual harassment and harassment based on sex at work”, on which work will be carried out to meet the objectives set.