Establishing collaboration networks and discovering the latest advances in the sector are essential activities to make your company known and offer the best solutions on the market. For this reason, every year the company attends international fairs and exhibitions, such as the 17th Shanghai International Shoe Industry Exhibition, held on December 10 at the New International Exhibition Center in the Chinese city.
This event has a strong influence on the Asian shoe industry and brings together more than 800 shoe manufacturers and traders from around the world each year. It is a meeting point that aims to provide professional footwear professionals with relevant information from the sector and understand current market trends.
This latest edition has brought together a smaller number of exhibitors and visitors due to the crisis caused by Covid-19. However, attending the fair has been an opportunity to meet some exhibitors who manufacture shoes and shoe soles, as well as those manufacturers of machinery, other complementary and/or auxiliary products for the industry, and who are willing to share information and knowledge.
China is the world’s leading producer, trader, and exporter of footwear. The country produces more than 12 billion pairs of shoes each year, which represents more than 80% of the world’s total footwear. Through the Performance Materials Division, at Concentrol we have a wide range of solutions for the process of making single and dual density shoes and shoe soles, and phylon (eva), among others. From the company, we continue working to publicize our solutions and satisfy the needs of customers around the world.