Nowadays, more and more sectors are advocating sustainability both in the procedures and in the creation of products. That is why from Concentrol, as a reference in the industry sector, we develop a series of sustainable initiatives that contribute to reduce the environmental impact.
From Concentrol we want to contribute with our experience in sustainability issues in the chemical industry by sharing our knowledge through webinars. Webinars are seminars that are held online, so it is quite accessible to connect from anywhere in the world.
The webinar will take place at 10h(CEST) – 13:30h IST(India) – 16h CST(China) on May 13th, where will discuss the importance to reduce emissions of volatile substances of plastic components, being flexible PU foams one of them. The automotive industry has been focused on the reduction of VOC and odor from the interior parts of the cars. The request for new additives with lower volatile components is still a major need.
For this reason, new stabilizers had been designed, and they had been tested in commercial PU foams to fulfil the requirements found in some countries from the Asia-Pacific area, regarding aldehyde, aromatic and odor components. Some new references of Concentrol STB PU-12XX PFJ offer an excellent overall performance and incredibly low emission profile.
Join this webinar and you will learn more about:
– The latest trends and requirements in the polyurethane foam market.
– The newest studies and developments regarding silicone surfactants.
– Data and comparative studies about the main volatile components currently monitored and the analytical methods used to analyse PU foam emissions for both European and Asia-Pacific zones.
– More analytical data regarding the contribution of silicone surfactants to emissions and how they can be improved to meet customer requirements.
The main speaker will be Dr. Josep Nadal, Technical Manager for Polyurethane (PU) Additives at Concentrol SA.
Josep Nadal studied Chemistry at the University of Girona, in Catalonia (Spain), and completed a PhD at the same University. The development of silicone additives for PU was the aim of the PhD.
Josep joined Concentrol in 1998, starting his professional career working in a variety of roles in the technical department and R&D, first as assistant technical manager, and from 2002, as a technical manager for silicone-based PU additives.
He has published articles in the PU Magazine International (2018, 2020) and has presented technical seminars at UTECH Asia – PU China in 2010, UTECH North America in 2016 and PSE Europe in 2017.
At Concentrol we are committed to research in the field of sustainability and improvements in the chemical industry. Our Performance Materials division is developing new proposals to improve the solutions we are currently working on. Where it’s possible to reduce our environmental impact with our actions.