Ensure safety and establish control of the production process are basic actions to become an efficient company, both for customers and for the operation of the company. Concentrol has opted for a new and modern plant monitoring system, in order to establish a planned sequence of control measures to assess at all times, the production process and its critical limits.
The company DSET Energy, a benchmark in the Software and Computer Systems development sector, devised and developed an analysis and control monitoring tool, on the critical points of Concentrol: the boiler, the nitrogen and compressed air equipment, the pressure and air cooling groups, the purifier and the electric generator.
The innovative monitoring system of Concentrol works through sensors installed at the various Critical Control Points (CCP). These sensors collect information in real time about the development of productive activity in each of the CCPs. In case a mismatch is detected in the process, the computer system warns of the irregularity or error notifying the administrators via mobile phone. This way, the loss of control of the productive operation and the excess of the critical limits are avoided.
A good monitoring system is the reflection of a good internal and external operation of the company. At Concentrol we are committed to establishing parameters and operating rules that allow us to efficiently and safely run our daily activities. In this line, we bet on the most innovative systems and an advanced technology in our production processes. Only in this way can we achieve our most fundamental goal: to offer the best solutions for our customers.