Reviewing and updating the internal processes of a company are vital actions to improve efficiency and profitability in production. Under this premise, Concentrol has made changes to reduce environmental impact and meet sustainability expectations. The photovoltaic generation since July 2013, the commitment to LED lighting and the new steam boiler have represented an increase in efficiency and a reduction in pollution and ecological footprint.The 2021 action plan increases the installed photovoltaic power to 99 kWp.
On the one hand, photovoltaic generation has generated approximately more than 85,000 kWh per year for self-consumption, which represents a significant saving in the monthly consumed energy and we contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions due to our activity. Also, the replacement of steam or incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs and lamps in two of the warehouses has represented significant energy and economic savings.
On the other hand, the new steam boiler has increased productivity performance, since the old one was operating around 80% and the current one heats the water at the flue gas outlet and has a continuous water supply system in the boiler. The economizer integrated in the boiler allows the residual heat of the chimney gases to be used to heat the water. It is estimated that fuel savings and steam production costs will be of 5%, while CO₂ emissions are reduced by up to 5%, increasing the efficiency of the boiler.
Finally, we must also mention the installation of the new insulations, which have reduced the losses of thermal energy and have represented an energy saving of between 15 and 18%. As it is expected, this change has also had an impact on annual gas consumption expenditure.
In Concentrol we continuously work to offer the best service to our clients, which implies being in constant review of the internal processes of the company. Given the climate emergency, we must make the necessary changes to continue or increase efficiency, while opting for sustainable solutions that reduce environmental impact.