Antifoamers are essential auxiliary products in textile manufacturing to maintain optimal control of foaming at different stages of production and to avoid irregularities in processes. Most antifoam agents that are applied to industrial processes are conventionally formulated on polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS). PDMS have an excellent antifoam effect, but in some applications they are not suitable due to their high incompatibility. In the case of the textile manufacture, could cause irregularities such as fabric staining and speckling.
Concentrol developed EMULTROL DFM CP-6 as an alternative to traditional emulsion PDMS. It is formulated with organo-modified siloxanes (OMS) to increase its dispersibility in aqueous systems and to eliminate the negative consequences of conventional antifoamers without any detriment to effectiveness.
EMULTROL DFM CP-6 is a concentrated product with 100% active material and with high effectiveness at very low dosages. It is easily dispersible or self-emulsifying even in cold water, allowing to be diluted up to 9 times in cold water and added to the fabric dyeing bath at any point in the process. The main benefits of being formulated with special silicones is that their use in fabric dyeing processes does not generate residues avoiding fabric staining and speckling.

In addition, EMULTROL DFM CP-6 maintains excellent antifoam properties during the dyeing and pressurizing cycle being stable at high temperatures and pressures and exhibiting good shear stability. Its use is 100% compatible with other chemicals such as dye carriers and degreasing agents.
In conclusion, EMULTROL DFM CP-6 is an ideal defoamer to use in the textile sector and especially in jet-blast dyeing machines.In addition, EMULTROL DFM CP-6 maintains excellent antifoam properties during the dyeing and pressurizing cycle being stable at high temperatures and pressures and exhibiting good shear stability. Its use is 100% compatible with other chemicals such as dye carriers and degreasing agents.