Polyurethane Flexible Foam Footwear

Integral Skin Polyurethane Flexible Foam for the Footwear Sector

Polyurethane is a plastic material formed by more or less cross-linked…

Desemmotllants d’espuma rígida de poliuretà

Release agents for rigid polyurethane foam: Key in strategic sectors such as insulation and automotive

Concentrol is a chemical solutions company with the aim of providing references…

Silicone stabilizers for integral foam and shoe soles

The polyurethane (PU) foam used in footwear and integral foam share many…

New water-based release agent for integral leather foam in automotive applications

In the relentless pursuit of efficiency and sustainability, the automotive…

Concentrol offers release agents for integral leather flexible polyurethane foam

Polyurethane is a plastic material composed of interlinked polymer chains,…

Mould release agents for cold curing polyurethane foam

Polyurethane is a plastic material that is characterized by being formed by…

Mould release agents for polyurethane (PU) free of tin: LP ZMC-17 TBM and LP FC-67-3 FTH

The release agent is a central element in the production processes with…

Mold release agents for the sector that works with hot-curing polyurethane foam

Polyurethane is a polymeric material with many applications that is…