Theoretical training is the basis of all knowledge and from which we start to practice, both coexist for the same purpose which is to create good professionals. That is why, at Concentrol, we have been committed to dual training for years, where young people can study while learning the profession. In the following video, you are able to see how the training is performed:

The first virtual Profession Training Fair was held on 22 June, organized by the Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, in order to advise companies on the advantages of FPdual, report on the different employment alternatives that companies demand and improve the employment of people with professional experience. Concentrol participated in the fair contributing with its experience of the methodology of FPdual, and to encourage more companies whether large or small to join, because it is an enriching experience for both the student and for in the company.

Together with Concentrol’s values ​​and commitment to people, we have been able to be in the sector for more than 80 years. And with the same values ​​we have instilled in our professionals from the beginning in order to be better, day after day.