(Original story from the newspaper El Punt Avui 15/12/16)

Concentrol has signed an agreement of collaboration with the Biomedical Research Institute

Concentrol has signed a collaboration agreement with the Biomedical Research Institute of Girona (IdibGi), and has become a supporter of the organization. This way, the chemical solutions company joins the „Friends of Idibgi“ initiative, which aims to attract private funds to promote and improve research in the area of ​​Girona.

Concentrol was founded 75 years ago in les Planes d’Hostoles (North east Spain) by Jaume Guàrdia Jordà, who began manufacturing household cleaning products. Nowadays, it has a team of about one hundred workers and exports industrial products to more than eighty countries around the world. At the head of the company there is the third generation of Guardia’s, the brothers Jaume, Josep and Lluís Guàrdia, who emphasize that „collaboration between companies and the scientific field is vital to solve the health problems that affect society.“

Image’s source: IdibGi