Concentrol expands and renews products with Halal certification

Concentrol strives to offer solutions to chemical companies around the world.…

Additives division: at the service of the paint and coatings sector

Concentrol develops market leading solutions for paints and coatings in a wide…

Concentrol is presented to university students at the UdG Industrial Forum

The Polytechnic School of the University of Girona has organized a new edition…

Concentrol will present at UTECH Las Américas the range of release agents and surfactants for PU

The next May 24, 25 and 26, UTECH Las Américas will be held in Mexico City. The…

Concentrol listens to customers with the satisfaction survey

Concentrol, for yet another year, has carried out a satisfaction survey of its…

Concentrol participates with Tennants in the Eurocoat 2022 fair

Concentrol has participated in the Eurocoat 2022 fair with the distributor…

VIPLAST® plastic coatings: no coating traces when cutting cheese wedges

Within the Food Processing Aids Division, Concentrol has extensive experience…

Concentrol participates in the International Week of the University of Girona

Last March, the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona (UdG), together…

Concentrol collaborates with the completion of the organ of the Cathedral of Girona

Concentrol is characterized by offering the best chemical solutions on the…

PU Magazine publishes an article about release agents by Concentrol

Concentrol, a company specialized in offering chemical solutions for the…