Concentrol, for yet another year, has carried out a satisfaction survey of its customers to be in touch with the related sectors and assess all of their suggestions. This initiative responds to the objective of continuous improvement that characterizes the company, and that allows it to be ahead and respond to the needs of its customers. The analysis carried out assesses aspects such as quality, the general evaluation of the products or the rate of recommendation to third parties.
We are very satisfied with the results achieved, very positive and constructive for Concentrol. The answers will give an external perspective to the company, as well as a transversal vision.
The survey was an extensive document in which many aspects of Concentrol’s relationship with its customers and distributors, as well as the products offered, were assessed. The result is a complex document that quantitatively analyzes the company’s points of contact with its customers, as well as satisfaction with each and every one of the contact channels.
In relation to the product offered by Concentrol, various aspects have been analyzed that the clients have rated from greater to lesser importance and which will serve to define future strategies and future internal processes.
This year, the participants also opted for a prize in the form of a donation of 200 euros for the “Plant for the Planet” initiative. This project works on planting trees as a symbolic action, on the one hand, but also as a practical action to reduce the effect of climate change. This gesture is a thank you for having responded to the survey, which will be very useful for Concentrol.
The winner Javier Miguez has already chosen the destination of his donation among the dozens of reforestation projects that “Plant for the Planet” has around the world. This client has allowed the planting of 34 trees in the Doñana Natural Area.