Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an essential part of Concentrol’s company philosophy, and the reason why Concentrol has recently collaborated with Temporada Alta, the festival of theater and performing arts held in Girona.
Once again, Concentrol renews the collaboration with the festival that has been described as “the most important in Spain”, and has achieved recognition at a European level, being part, for example, of the “National Live Theater”. The quality of the plays is excellent, and it has national, European and international prestige. In this year’s programme, 3 out of every 10 shows and plays are international. Temporada Alta is also a strategic moment for many plays to premiere.
Temporada Alta this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, without fanfare but with enthusiasm it continues with the commitment with the city that hosted it since its inception, Girona. For this reason, it always reserves some of its offer for plays and performances made by professionals in the area. The goal of Temporada Alta is to be a loudspeaker, to position and bring high culture to everyone who wants it.