A company is much more than an agent that performs an economic activity. Concentrol, from day one, watches over to reaffirm its commitment to society. In this sense, it participates and collaborates with certain cultural events. One of these is the Riudellots de la Selva local festivities, which takes place from September 21 to 29. The chemical company promotes activities that promote leisure and knowledge.
It’s not the first time that Concentrol actively collaborates in cultural events. For years, it supports various cultural activities in the regions of Girona. And the Riudellots local festival is one of them. The chemical solutions company has its headquarters located in this municipality of La Selva, where for years it has been able to develop its activity fully and with the support of the people.
The Riudellots de la Selva local festival brings us a series of leisure and cultural activities in the municipality for everyone. This year’s program has attractive activities for the little ones: circus, theatre and magic for the whole family, and the music of one of the most revered groups within the panorama of children’s music: The Pot Petit. Following the concerts, the festival also brings us prominent musical groups from the Catalan scene: Doctor Prats, Orchestra Di-Versiones or Animal DJ. The full program can be found here.
Concentrol wants to continue betting more and more on different fields related to culture and, for this reason, participates this year in this celebration, together with other entities, making this holiday possible.