As it is every year, Concentrol’s main goal is to offer the best possible solutions to customers. And this is only possible when the internal work is done in the best possible way, looking for efficiency and maximum quality. Therefore, the chemical company has made changes to update and improve the conditions of the sampling laboratory, in alignment with the past renovation of the quality control laboratory.
In fact, the updating of the quality control laboratory has allowed the sampling laboratory to be expanded by almost twice the area, taking advantage of the space left by the old control and quality room. After some maintenance renovations, the extraction system and lighting have been improved. In this way, it has been possible to centralize all the laboratories in Hall 2, improving communication and work between the research & development, control & quality and sampling departments.
In addition, improvements have been made in one of the most fundamental aspects of the internal processes of any company, safety, thanks to the installation of a gas fire extinguishing system in the enclosure and the purchase of a safety cabinet for the storage of combustibles. And, finally, the decision was made to lower the particle homogenizer, thus reducing the manufacturing time of the samples involved.
The renovation of the sampling laboratory is another symptom of the constant growth that the chemical company is experiencing. More and more people are betting on Concentrol solutions and, therefore, this demands to be better every day. In this search motivated by the excellence and efficiency in the production of our products, we must emphasize one of the company’s objectives: to study daily the internal processes in order to provide our customers with the best possible solutions.