Every story has a beginning, and Concentrol’s starts with Jaume Guàrdia Jordà, born in 1889. Multi-faceted and taking advantage of all the opportunities he had, he worked as a waiter, textile technician, musician and teacher. In 1919, he married Maria Rodà Tachè and the couple moved to Les Planes d’Hostoles, where in 1941, and with all the experience gained, Jaume Guàrdia Jordà created Tintas Concentrol in Paratge Paulí.

To the right, Jaume Guàrdia Jordà with his parents, on his wedding day.

But it wasn’t until a few years later that Josep Guàrdia Rodà, son of Jaume Guàrdia Jordà, with his studies completed at the School of Industrial Experts in Terrassa, began to become partially involved in the company’s activity, until it reached what would become today’s Concentrol, known as a leading company in innovation, quality and products tailored to the needs of each client. At first, the company was dedicated to the manufacture of moss to adorn the nativities, dried it and dyed it with an intense green color. They also produced products for domestic use, such as small-format dyes for the domestic dyeing of clothes. In addition to this, Josep Guàrdia also worked the night shift in the quality laboratory of the Osor mines. Later, around the 1960s, he combined his activity with the Hoechst company, where he worked as a commercial agent.

Proof of payment of the first industrial contribution of the company on behalf of Jaime Guàrdia Jordá in the municipality of Les Planes in 1941. Below, the Les Planes orchestra, founded by Jaume Guàrdia Jordà.

At that time, the country was experiencing an economic recession, and per capita wealth was very low. A few years later (1950), progress was made with the first car sales in Spain, at a time when there were 3 cars per 1000 inhabitants.

In front of Les Planes church blessing the family’s first car.

From 1950 to 1968 was the time when more products were developed for the domestic sector, such as metal cleaners, yolk cleaners, Mimi brand head soap, soap powder and creams for Crucero brand shoes. Adapting to the needs of the market at the time, the company constantly adapted its products, such as, for example, dyeing the soap for washing clothes yellow, which was then made in this colour, the first sign of vertical integration of the company, already in its beginnings. It is from that period that we can see the company’s first invoices, dated 1958, with the products mentioned. Furthermore, in 1961, with the intention of promotion and expansion, the first advertisement for Concentrol was published in “La Vanguàrdia”, implanting what would be the beginnings of the company’s corporate image. In addition, it is also the year of the wedding of Josep Guàrdia Rodà with Nuri Pont Sanvicens, in the Sanctuary of La Salut.

Advertisement published in La Vanguàrdia in 1961

Jaume Guàrdia Jordà, founder of Concentrol, died on July 6th 1962. The company passes into the hands of his successor, Josep Guàrdia Rodà, who changes the name of the company, reorienting it and maintaining the principles but focusing on an even more strategic vision that will soon bear fruit. It was during this period that the bases of Concentrol were redirected to what they are today.

On the left, the three Guàrdia brothers with their parents. On the right Josep Guàrdia Rodà.