Betting on research and development is vital to offer quality products that meet the needs of our customers. In this line, Concentrol has the mission to become day after day a source of technical and scientific knowledge in each of our divisions. Last February, the magazine Técnica del Calzado in its 236 number published an article featuring the first part of a study by Ángel Rodríguez and Joaquim Serra, key members of the technical team of Concentrol.
In this study, Rodríguez talks about the various factors that we must take into account when choosing a footwear polyurethane release agent. Among these we find various elements, such as the temperature of the mold, the type of polyol used, the finish of the sole and other subsequent processes such as paint and degreaser.
The Técnica del Calzado magazine is a technical-professional medium specialized in design, technique and fashion for the footwear and leather goods industries. With a reach of 9,000 readers per edition, it is a reference medium for the shoe mold release industry, one of the three major divisions of Concentrol. In addition, the magazine reaches beyond the Spanish borders, having presence in other countries in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
The firm commitment of Concentrol in R & D, with an investment of more than 7%, allows us offer solutions of mold release, chemical specialties and food to the entire planet. One of the advantages of this work methodology is the constant contribution of new ideas and solutions, that increase the efficiency and profitability of the companies working with Concentrol.