A new whitepaper by Concentrol is available on coatings for cheese and cold meats. With the title “Coating solutions for cheese and cold meats’, this documents details the characteristics and advantages of our VIPLAST range of coatings, as well as detailed information on our cleaning solution, Amphonil BDG.
The quality and versatility to adapt to each customer’s needs are the main key features of the VIPLAST coatings range manufactured by Concentrol.
Regarding the cheese industry, we provide our customers with a choice of diferent types of coatings, plastic and natural, that are highly efficient for the first and final stages of the maturation process. The main objectives the VIPLAST range provides with great efficacy include the regulation of humidity loss, the protection against unwanted growth of microorganisms as well as an imporvement of the final color and texture.
In the case of cold meats and ham, Concentrol provides several external protection treatment coatings that guarantes a good finish, as well as preserving the food’s properties and safety.
To ensure an effective and safe cleaning of polymer residue, Concentrol provides the 100% concentrate Amphonil BDG solution. Its low toxicity, the fact that it is biodegradable and its high persistance and solvent strength make this reference a very safe and reccommended choice.
At Concentrol we are especially proud of the manufacturing of our own polymers. This specialization has helped us progress in regards to the quality and the added value of our products, making it possible to have a wide and global expertise in the area of coatings, above all in the cheese industry.
Download yout whitepaper on cheese and cold meats coating solutions here