CONCENTROL has renewed the kosher certificate until July 2018 for those products related to food handling.
The purpose of the renewal is to ensure the fulfillment of the guarantees for food quality and its manipulation according to the biblical and Talmudic laws commonly known as called kosher. Certification is renewed for EMUTROL DFM® defoamers as well as other defoamers. Additionally, existing Viplast® references for cheese coatings have been renewed and the certificate has been extended to new Viplast® references.
To obtain the kosher certificate, the food and the procedures must be supervised by a rabbi, who determines if the food and the procedures are suitable for kosher consumption.
CONCENTROL actively works to meet the specific needs of its customers. In the case of the kosher certificate, CONCENTROL is proud to guarantee the quality of its procedures and to renew and expand kosher references.
If you would like to know more about the references with a kosher certificate, please contact us.