At Concentrol we are commited to the transfer of knowledge. For this reason, the company opens the company doors to new trained and qualified professionals in the sector, so that Concentrol is better every day. Àlex Font, responsible for expeditions and warehouse, is an example of a highly qualified person who is part of our team.
Font, a graduate of the University of Girona in Industrial Engineering, tells his professional experience at Concentrol during a documentary about the professional life of some of the graduates of the UdG’s Technical School. This short film shows the professional experience and the daily life of seven former students of the EPS.
The documentary, in addition, collects parts of the life of its protagonists once they finish their workday. Àlex Font, current player of the football team AE Sant Gregori, is a lover of the world of sports. He not only dedicates his free time to football, but also likes to share a few games of paddle with his friends from time to time.
Font, 27, finished his studies two and a half years ago. To this day, he is already responsible for expeditions and warehouse in Concentrol. His work consits of executing a detailed control and improving warehouse logistics, either by reviewing orders or by carrying out a constant study of the production and rotation of material.
The Research and Development process at Concentrol is completed thanks to all the highly qualified professionals who add value to the company thanks to their knowledge. The chemical company, in addition, maintains a close link with the University of Girona. Through the Doctorate Plan, the company has direct contact with the academic world, with the objective of facilitating the transfer of knowledge, a key practice in the economic development of the country.