Concentrol undertakes actions to consolidate the company’s online presence in the Chinese market. The company already had Chinese as a language – along with English, Spanish, Catalan, French and German – but now it will make strategic changes to offer the best possible service to Asian customers.

China is already a key market in which the company operates; the incorporation of new strategies only reinforces the importance of offering a service adapted and directed to each one of the clients.

The project has consisted of executing an exhaustive audit with the aim of improving the company’s position in said market. The ambitious Inbound Marketing plan will improve the company’s digital engagement. The plan will be implemented gradually, adapting the website to the peculiarities of the Chinese market.

The first actions that have been carried out, for example, have been to acquire a domain in the Asian country and enable a server in the country with the content. Technical work has also been carried out and Concentrol is preparing for the future actions foreseen by the project.

The adaptation to Chinese culture also provides for a layout prioritizing a site exclusively in simplified Chinese and indexing it on platforms such as Baidu.

The actions are part of a set of measures determined by a digital marketing consultancy carried out thanks to the “International eTrade” aid line of ACCIÓ, the Agency for the Competitiveness of the Company of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The initiative, which accompanies companies to implement the online strategy to new markets, will allow Concentrol to get even closer to its customers.