Concentrol is a company that is very clear towards what values it wants to commit to in its daily work focused on chemical solutions: quality, sustainability and, above all, solidarity.
October 19th marks the International Day Against Breast Cancer of the AECC, the Spanish Association Against Cancer, whose objective is to raise awareness about this disease, promote the fight of affected patients and finance research projects to combat it.
As every year, Concentrol has decided to join this fight by contributing to the purchase of solidarity bracelets from the AECC. These accessories were granted to all the workers of the company who, by wearing them, turned them into a loud and clear message: “we join this fight and give all the support to those affected.”
Since 1953, the AECC spreads and raises awareness about breast cancer, and helps sick people to fight against this disease from all fronts. Their struggle is divided into three essential lines of action: educating in health, promoting research, and supporting and accompanying sick people and their families.
In order to carry out all these ambitious objectives, the AECC needs collaborators interested in contributing to the cause to finance research projects and provide resources to sick people and their families.