Ensuring equal opportunities between men and women is an important issue in today’s society, and an increasing number of companies are joining the fight. In this sense, Concentrol has taken a step forward by implementing its own Plan for Equality of Opportunities between Men and Women for the period 2021-2023.
Concentrol has received the Respon.cat award in recognition of its commitment to social responsibility, and the equality plan has been one of the criteria taken into account. This award is a recognition of good practices and trajectory in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and was presented at an event held on January 24th at the Llotja de Mar building in Barcelona.
Since its inception, Concentrol has always worked to ensure stable employment and offer equitable access to job opportunities, but now it has decided to take a further step in this line of work, committing to establish and develop policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the grounds of sex.
To carry out this project, the Concentrol Equality Commission worked throughout the year 2021 and meets periodically to monitor actions and keep the project up to date. This commission, formed by members of the company committee and several representatives from the HR and management departments, has developed the plan.
Concentrol is in the period, defined by the plan, in which a series of external dissemination and awareness-raising actions will be carried out to bring everyone closer to the objectives of this equality plan. The company plans to hold several awareness-raising sessions so that the entire staff understands the equality plan and the harassment protocol. The individualized Prevention Program for Criminal Compliance also promotes equality, reflected in the ethical code and code of conduct.
It should be noted that, in this same line, Concentrol already disseminated the document entitled “Protocol for sexual harassment and harassment based on sex at work”.